The Sacramental Protocol of Hermeneutics.
God's Male Member.
Cutting Off God's Male Member.
Uncovering the Covering Angel.
The Gospel According to Abraham.
Testicular Testimony.
Circumcision Allegory.
Faith Rest for the Crisis.
The Fallacy of Inductive Logic.
Tzimtzum: Crowning Self-Limitation.
Masoretic Malfeasance.
"Shaddai" the Lamb of God. [VIDEO]
Cain's Sanctification.
Virgin Girth.
Tetragrammaton in the Flesh.
Brit Milah Di-Da.
Not Peshat Pesach Knot.
A Token Jew.
Metaphysical Jew.
Passover the Matzoh.
Jesus on Same Sex Marriage.
Bereshity Beginning.
Virginity Restored.
Deutero-Israel in Deutero-Isaiah.
Yom Kippur De Jure.
Heh Look At This.
Exegeting Isaiah 49:16.
Two Bloods.
The First Actual Jew.
Pagan Monotheism.
Exegeting Sarah.
Exegeting Isaiah 66:7-9.
How Tamim was Noah?
The Binding Meaning [of] Isaac's Bondage.
Distinguishing Between the Spirit of the Law vs. the Law.
dam Adam.
Trifling with the Tefillin.
Y e s o d.
Jew = Human Being.
Unleavened Bread 101.
Tiferet: The Best A Man Can Get. [VIDEO]
Colossians 1:18.
Paradox, Irony, or Terrifying Chimera?
Christian Rebirth Belongs to Judaism.
Exegeting the Mezuzah. [VIDEO]
Being Born-Again in Jewish Terms.
Consecration of the Firstborn.
Perpetual Virginity.
Exegeting Isaiah 6:13.
Hieroglyph vs. Stiff.
Crossing [out] Gender Boundaries.
Creating the Phallus: Satan Incarnate.
Erasing the Pen ---Circumcision and the Razing of God's Body.
Monomeism: The Meontology of Jewish Identity.
The Original Jewish Mother.
The Original Jewish Firstborn.
Midrashic Syllogism without the Gism.
What's Gittin 60b Gettin At?
Every Rabbi Is Jesus.
Sinai: Commentary on the Fall of Adam.
Isaiah 53:2.
Moses' Rod.
Phrenological Phallus Theology.
A Shrine for the Holy Spirit.
Are Genes a Feedback Mechanism for Memes?
Omnipotent Stem-Cells.
Sotah Water.
Scions of Faith.
Passover Whine.
The Biblical Principle of Jus Primae Noctis.
Read as Blood.
Techelet. [VIDEO]
Techelet Addendum.
Attack on Metzitzah B'Peh.
Jewish Clothing --- The Naked Truth.
Exegeting Circumcision.
Sanctified Idolatry --Retroactive Stigmata in Isaiah 44.
The Hirsch Menorah.
The Baffling Bloody Ban.
The Pagan Root of Judeo-Christianity.
Protoplasm as Colloid.
Nehushtan-The Prototype Menorah.
A Scientific Tour of the Shroud of Turin.
Isaiah 53-9.
Jus Sanguinis--Right of Blood.
Contradictions in the New Testament.
The Death of Death.
Exegeting the Tefillin.
Kiss My Sitsit.